When professional painters set out their operational infrastructure, they need all manner of tools to execute the role perfectly.

From the paint contents to the brushes, the oil and blueprints that were laid out, nothing can be taken for granted.

This applies to a scaffold unit that is introduced. It is an asset that affords contractors the time and space to cover the right areas and ensure efficiency across the board.

Instead of accepting any old design, they will examine the product based on particular criteria points.

Identify Right Format Option

The good news for local painters is that they can enjoy a host of unique scaffold designs from market suppliers. Rather than having to accept second best in this space, contractors are able to utilise an asset that is geared to their height requirements, weight provisions and participant numbers. This will apply to single and double units, suspended and supported varieties, with the kwikstage, cantilever and trestle brands offering a point of difference on this criteria.

Examine Material Composition

Scaffold supplier

Often the choice that a painter has with a scaffold creation won’t always be about the size or the specifications, but the material composition. How flexible can it be? How can it maintain weight under pressure? Can it withstand the onslaught of various outdoor conditions without being an overbearing burden on storage? By taking note of stainless steel, aluminium, hardwoods and metal varieties, members can pick out a brand that ticks all of the relevant boxes to achieve the perfect balance.

Engage Other Industry Professionals for References

Painters who want to acquire the very best structures for these project demands are well advised reaching out to peers in their own industry. Whether they handle domestic, public or commercial jobs, they will have similar demands in terms of painting scope and how these utilities can safely store their cans and work equipment. Have those conversations about what structures they acquire and how suitable they are for various terrain, setting aside all marketing rhetoric and getting down to brass tax with real time referrals.

Assess Online Supplier Ratings

Those types of professional relationships may or may not be established. In any case, there might be some hesitancy to ask for those recommendations if they are deemed direct competition. Thankfully contractors and specialists will be happy to leave their scaffold feedback online. Login and survey shared economy apps, Google search hits and social media channels to see which suppliers earn the best reviews amongst the competition.

Work With Budget Specifications

Needless to say that painters will shape their decision-making with a scaffold investment according to their revenue and available budget. Can they spend big on the infrastructure given the safety, security and efficiency the utility provides? Are there bargain options and if so, do they come with the same level of assurances? Thankfully there will be outlets that offer rentals for those that cannot justify the entire outlay.

Ensuring Storage Capabilities & Ease of Development

Before painters can agree to push forward with their scaffold investment, they need to know that the utility can be stored in their vehicle and within their own internal storage locations. Some of these units will have larger compositions while others will offer a friendly and compact dynamic that allows for simple movement between job sites. Then there will be the erection and dismantlement of the product, something that will require contractors to carefully consider time demands, efficiency measures and individual credentials.


The criteria that is used to judge the viability of a scaffold unit are quite universal, especially for painters who have a very specific task at hand. Any professional who wants to be secured and utilise their equipment has to think carefully about their purchase process. By following these steps and judging the item against these factors, the best brand should emerge from the pack.