The NDIS speech therapy provider you choose will have a significant impact on your ability to achieve your objectives. Finding the correct supplier may have a beneficial effect on your life, but it might take time and need a few inquiries. A few suggestions might be useful as you consider potential collaborators. Choosing someone to work closely with for many weeks or months is a very subjective matter. These suggestions are designed to serve as guides to back up your own judgement.

Examine the Services They Provide to See How They Can Help

Before entering into the process of selecting an NDIS speech therapy provider, it is crucial to get familiar with the distinction between registered and unregistered providers.

When someone uses the NDIS, they work with a registered provider, who is either a person or a business that has gone through the NDIS registration process and may now provide services and support to participants. If your NDIS funding is administered by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), then only service providers that are registered with the NDIA may use your NDIS funds to provide you with services.

If an NDIS speech therapy provider or support provider has not registered with the NDIS, they are considered an unregistered provider. The time and effort required to become a registered provider is a major deterrent for many potential service providers. If you are managing your own NDIS services, you are not required to use a registered provider; nonetheless, you will need to take additional precautions to verify that the service provider you choose has the necessary training and expertise to meet your needs.


Most NDIS speech therapy providers work within a certain geographic radius. When you’re looking for an NDIS speech therapy provider, one of the most important criteria is proximity to your location. In most cases, the NDIS speech therapy provider that shows up first in your search will have specifically chosen your zip code as part of their service area, since the system will automatically identify the distance from where you are situated.

It’s preferable to work with nearby therapists rather than those farther off. If NDIS speech therapy providers do not need to drive as far between appointments, they may better manage their time and be on time more often. Your kid may benefit from seeing a therapist in another location. Working with someone who is conveniently located near your home or your child’s school is clearly advantageous.


All of the NDIS speech therapy providers do their best to maintain accurate availability schedules. You can now discover exactly when a therapist is free to visit your kid. When feasible, we recommend bringing your child in for an appointment in the morning. Children are generally more receptive to treatment because they are “fresher.”

The daytime is when kids who are of school age spend their time learning. This is why time slots available immediately after school are so much sought after. Although a parent’s gut feeling about who would be best for their kid (for more on this, see below) should be given the most weight, the alternative that works best with your schedule may be the greatest choice.

The Bottom Line

To sum up, you should take into account the aforementioned details while making your choice of an NDIS speech therapy provider. We advise against giving undue weight to one aspect at the expense of others. Prioritize and evaluate these aspects together, even subjectively, in a way that makes sense for your family.
If you’re having trouble deciding between many potential NDIS speech therapy providers, you may test out sessions with two of them. No matter how you want to benefit from treatment, you deserve the best possible experience.