Getting married is naturally a super exciting time for you and your future spouse – so you want to share this excitement and shoot out your beautiful wedding invitations as soon as possible! It’s normal to be really excited about the news at this early stage and end up rushing through things that you might not have the luxury of being able to alter later if you change your mind.

Take a look at some of the following tips to ensure your wedding invitations end up as awesome as possible!


Easy for people to read

A big error a lot of soon-to-be-wed couples make with regards to the design of their wedding invitations is that they choose a cursive font that looks amazing but is actually quite difficult for most people to read. The colour of your typeface is also important as well since a light colour on a light background would make it incredibly difficult for people to make out what the letter actually says.

Nobody can get excited for your big day if they can’t read the wedding invitation when they take it out of their mailbox. Remember to prioritise the practical utility of your letters before you get carried away with making them pretty.


Keep them short and sweet

Another mistake that’s common with a lot of wedding invitations is that they are overfilled with text that becomes a chore for most of your guests to read. While your mom and dad might love reading a poem you’ve hidden in the letter, other guests might not be THAT invested in your romance and it can be a little presumptuous to think they want to sit and read that when they’re checking their mailbox.

The letter needs to be short and punchy – it only has to get them excited before being placed under a fridge magnet for the next few months.


Don’t overstuff with the visuals

wedding invitation

In the same way its possible to overcrowd the letter with text, it’s even easier to end up doing it with visual elements. You might think all those little flower petals look great, but are they distracting from the main part of your wedding invitations?

You don’t need to stuff heaps of little directions to the venue or other titbits – they can be left for your website or social media page. With today’s communication technology, communicating logistical details is easy so you don’t need to worry about making sure that all your wedding invitations are complete with all possible info your guests will need.


Continually proofread your copy

Your wedding invitations are something you’ll (hopefully) only get one chance at in life and therefore it’s impossible to undo a mistake once you’ve published and distributed them. Make sure that you double and triple-check the copy so that you don’t let any silly spelling or grammar mistakes bring down the elegance of your letter.


Get it out of the way early on

While they are important, these letters are one of the easier parts of planning your marriage and therefore it’s a good idea to get them sorted out as early as possible. It never hurts to give people as much notice as possible as some of your guests may have to make travel arrangements or take time off work to attend your special day.

There you have it, a brief guide on how to create the absolute perfect wedding invitations.